Operator of the NCCS
The state-owned enterprise Ukrainian Special Systems is a telecommunications operator with the right to maintain and operate telecommunications networks, and is also one of the operators of the National Confidential Communications System.
The Law of Ukraine “On the National System of Confidential Communications” provides for the establishment of a special dual-purpose telecommunications system in Ukraine, in which cryptographic and / or technical means provide information exchange with limited access in the interests of public authorities and local governments, legal and physical persons, regardless of the form of ownership, create appropriate conditions for their interaction in peacetime and in the event of a state of emergency and martial law.
The procedure for providing confidential communication services to public authorities and local governments, state enterprises, institutions and organizations is established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (Cabinet of Ministers Resolution of 11.10.2002 №1519 “On approval of the Procedure for providing confidential communication services to public authorities and local self-government, state enterprises, institutions and organizations ”).
The special information and telecommunication system of executive bodies is a component of the National System of Confidential Communications (SITS NSKZ), direct functions for providing confidential communication services to its subjects, organization of measures to ensure the functioning, development, use and protection of information in SITS NSKZ performed by SE “USS”.
The cost of confidential communication services in the NSC is determined in accordance with the order of the Administration of the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection dated 07.08.2013 №420 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 03.09.2013 on №1512 / 24044).
Today, USS is a leading provider of confidential communication services, including the provision of secure data transmission channels, secure Internet access to public authorities and local governments, state enterprises, institutions, organizations and other legal entities in the network. NSKZ, and the accumulated unique experience in building and ensuring the operation of secure networks, protection of critical information resources, administration and technical support of secure systems at the national level allows USS to be a leader in the field of information security.
Contact us for contact agreement, consultations and cooperation with our company.