About the enterprise

State Special Enterprise “Ukrainian Special Systems” is an enterprise that provides confidential communication services, including secure access to the Internet, services in the field of protection of information resources – both public and private, as well as services in the field of trust services.

The company’s activities are aimed at developing and ensuring the functioning of the National Confidential Communications System (NSCS), a special cellular network and a secure Internet access node for public authorities, local governments, enterprises, institutions and organizations of state ownership of modern protected telecommunication services, organization of secure access to own information resources, as well as other modern services, such as:

  • creation of automated (information, information and telecommunication) systems and complexes with the use of modern technologies to protect information resources;
  • conducting high-quality work on the creation or certification of comprehensive information security systems;
  • conducting state examinations in the field of special communications and information protection;
  • provision of international, long-distance and local telephone services with the right of maintenance and operation of telecommunication networks and provision of telecommunication channels in the territory of Kyiv;
  • provision of special cellular communication services;
  • implementation of the functions of the trust key center and creation of conditions on this basis for servicing the owners of intellectual property rights in the Ukrainian segment of the Internet;
  • services for the acquisition, creation, development, commissioning, maintenance and support of system and application support of information systems, databases and data banks, registers, automated management systems and automated workstations, depositories;
  • programming services, development of computer programs, software and websites, their implementation, sale, distribution and commercial use;
  • services for technical operation and maintenance of automated information and information and telecommunication systems of public authorities, local governments, enterprises, institutions and organizations of all forms of ownership;
  • carrying out scientific and technical activities in the field of telecommunications, informatization and information technology, including research, research and development, design and engineering, technological, design and survey work, creation of prototypes or batches of scientific and technical products, as well as other works related to bringing scientific and scientific-technical knowledge to practical application;
  • participation in the practical implementation of domestic and international projects for the implementation of systematic interaction of electronic databases, registration systems, etc.

The company’s goal is to meet the needs of consumers in modern high-quality confidential communication services, providing expert trust services and protection of information resources of public authorities, local governments, enterprises, institutions and organizations of various forms of ownership using modern technologies.


In January 2002, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the Law of Ukraine “On the National Confidential Communication System”. The provisions of the Law provide for the establishment of a nationwide special dual-purpose communication system public authorities, local governments, legal entities and individuals, regardless of ownership.

In order to ensure the deployment and functioning of the National Confidential Communications System, in compliance with the Law, the President of Ukraine issued Decree No. 614/2002 of July 4, 2002 “Issues of ensuring the National Confidential Communications System”, according to which the Security Service of Ukraine to develop a State program for the establishment, development and operation of the National System of Confidential Communications, and the Department of Special Telecommunication Systems and Information Protection of the Security Service of Ukraine – to create a specialized state enterprise.

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of October 11, 2002 N 1520 “On approval of the State program for the establishment, development and operation of the National system of confidential communication” program was approved. Within its competence, in accordance with subparagraph 22 of paragraph 4 of the Regulation on the Department of Special Telecommunication Systems and Information Protection of the Security Service of Ukraine, approved by Presidential Decree of October 6, 2000 № 1120/2000, Department of Special Telecommunication Systems and Information Protection of the Security Service of Ukraine issued an order №82 “On the establishment of the State Enterprise” Ukrainian Special Systems “, according to which the State Enterprise” Ukrainian Special Systems “was established and referred to the scope of management of the Department.

The entry in the unified state register of enterprises and organizations of Ukraine on the registration of the State Enterprise “Ukrainian Special Systems” was made on January 9, 2003, after the completion of the full registration procedure, in February 2003 the State Enterprise “Ukrainian Special Systems” began its activities. Subsequently, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine”, the successor of the Department was the Administration of the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine to the State Enterprise “Ukrainian Special Systems”.


We protect information resources – we strengthen Ukraine!